Monday 26 April 2021

Northern Ireland Dress Designer talks openly about her profession.

 Wow, I never quite know what to say when people ask me what I do for my living. I'm not a pushy, confident, self promoting character and thank fully to survive so far I haven't need to be. How do you best describe what I do?

bespoke bridal designer

  What does it take to be a dress designer?

I would say passion and professionalism. I didn't plan to do what I do so I don't know nor did I think before I started this job what it meant or what I needed, I was passionate about giving it a go. ( not the best business practice, nor a sound business plan. However I decided straight away if people were going to take me seriously I needed a proper business premises.

  Why dress design?

I went to Ulster University and studied embroidery as my specialist subject but naturally fashion was part of the course. When I started my career straight after my degree I would make bridal headdresses and bridal veils for clients. As to the dresses, well at the start I did the embroidery work for other designers on their dresses, it took a while for me to be brave enough to work directly for the client.

Dress maker

  Tell us about your first bridal dress commission.

My first bride was a lawyer, which when I look back now was a bit scary! However we had plenty of time and she and I knew if things hadn't progressed in the right direction we both had options. I can  look back at photos today and say that it is still one of my favourite dresses and I loved the flowers I made to go with her dress.

  What is it like being a dress designer?

Its exciting, its scary, every client is different. I feel I have to be good at sewing but maybe more importantly I need to be good at reading my client's mind. To be a good dress designer uses lots and lots of different skills, communication, patience, adaptability and a passion to keep up to date with everything from style to fabrics even social media and best business practises.

What is it like to be a bridal dress designer?

What do you like about being a dress designer?

The people I meet the people I help and they things that I learn from them and about myself each garment.The longer the time I spend in this job the more I learn. It was fascinating to learn when I watched David Emanuel on the TV programme "I'm a Celebrity" how he got on and communicated with the other contestants, then I thought that's what you need to be a good couturer!! ( which is really another word for dress designer) Just for those who need to know he created Princess Diana's wedding dress with his wife Elizabeth. One of Diana's other popular dress designer's was a lady called Catherine Walker. Why do I mention her, well it was the relationship that the pair built up. I know that by the time I design and make a dress for someone that we become very close and usually remain friends, that makes my job very special. While I'm writing this, it's the weekend of the funeral of Prince Philip and who is to be beside the Queen at the funeral, her trusted dress designer Angela Kelly. All this mention of the royals, I feel I need to explain myself. I grew up on the shores of Strangford Lough far from the influences of dress designers. My only knowledge or introduction to the subject was when an important occasion hit the headlines. Most of our headlines in Northern Ireland were about the troubles then, so any mention of fashion designers and it sparked my interest. I lived on a farm with my mother who had done a little sewing, her cooking was more her thing. Maybe sub consciously my great aunts who sewed and made things rubbed off on me. As a family we rode and competed with our ponies and horses all around Ireland meeting and interacting with lots of different characters. How did I ever end up doing what I do? Is your life mapped out for you or do you decide? Are we put on this earth to inspire and influence others? I always end up with more questions than answers! What about You?

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