Wednesday 6 May 2020

Virtual Tour of my Shop

With the shutters shut and my shop empty times are strange!!

The Fitting Room

Normally this time of year I'm busy with fittings for my weddings for the year but that's noit happening May 2020.
With the nation anticipating Boris Johnson’s economic road to recovery strategy later this week, I thought it was a good time to discuss how the new normal might look once I can open the shop again.
Brides haven’t stopped searching for their dress or thinking about their weddings.
There are currently three type of brides:
  • Brides who are already your customer – these include brides who have postponed their weddings/fittings and brides whose gowns have arrived or been ordered
  • Brides who have visited your store and tried on dresses, but not purchased
  • Brides who are unaware of your brand
I understand your fears/concerns and I am putting in place the correct measures to guarantee that you are safe when you come to collecting/buying their gown.
While I cannot predict the future, or the ’right’ way to do things, I can be sure that we won’t return to business as usual.
Side entrance
HYGIENE- I want to encourage everyone to be as healthy and safe as possible so I have dispensers at the entrances and exits. I want to encourage everyone to limit interactions with door handles and cash. I hope when you have an appointment that you will be happy to use the hand sanitizers on arrival and that I can only allow "ONE STAR GUEST". As I only have one appointment at a time in my shop so this should reassure you that you will not come into contact with another bride. I will stagger appointments and allow enough time at the end of each visit to clean all soft furnishings, floors and gowns.
Plenty of room for fittings
Maybe I should think about Virtual Experiences, like a Virtual Bridal Appointment, where you might see dresses that I have in my shop. Maybe we could discuss over the phone what it is that you think you are interested in and I then could show you examples.
To start I thought why not take you on a tour of my shop.

1 comment:

  1. What a Bridal & Wedding services!!!!!! The best Bridal & Wedding services at the budget-friendly. green trends in Hyderabad.
