Monday 27 April 2020


As we go into another week of lockdown and more news of people dying of Covid-19, it seems strange that people seem to think that its time to flaunt the lockdown measures. I feel guilty, while brides that I know and some of my brides fiancé's have to go fight the war against coronavirus, my minds racing on ideas.

Its weird but arty people can't switch their brain off, no matter what moves them  they feel complied to use it like energy. I always find I have too many ideas and never know which one to start, I have been like that since Art College. It's one of the things that means it's brilliant for me to work for clients as they keep me to their brief. There are never enough hours to my days, and my mind flits from one thing to the next. Normally I can turn that to my advantage as normally I am working on more than one bride's dress. Monday mornings I like to have a plan for the week. This week I want to try and get a project I'm working on to a more complete stage. Since the start of this lockdown I have been dependant and in awe of the NHS. So I decided to cross-stitch a piece of work to say Thank You.

 My idea is to raffle the piece online to raise money for the NHS & or Key Workers. You, my social media friends and your friends can nominate someone you know to have the piece personalised with their name as a keepsake of this historic time when we want to thank them for what they did for us. By coincidence Facebook said for my birthday I could choose a charity to give to free of fees. I need you All to HELP me with this.
I sign off text messages and emails with XxJo! Makes me stop and think of All the XX stitches on my piece of work.

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