I love it when I meet a bride and you just know you are going to have fun working at what is to come. Thought is was time I shared with you this idea.
One of our fitting days, pinning on bits and deciding what we like. The bride found tiny tiny sparkly sculls that I sewed into the work to high light the detail. Decided on the headdress to be worked to match the buckle idea at the waist & no veil. 
Just one last check in the mirror before we head off to get married.
Now you can see those tiny sculls, which fit in with the whole theme & the treble clef for the couples live of music.
Forgot to mention I did the other girls in the wedding party too. Here we have the bridesmaid strutting in in her sparkly shoes I dyed to match with her choker as an added detail made with irradescent beads & a 3 di flower to pick up on the detail of the bride.
& the groom.

The three girls having a ball, that's the best. The complete ensemble.