Saturday 31 December 2022


 Legacy, the word of the day 31/12/22! As I looked back over the years of Vivienne Westwood and pondered her legacy yesterday. Today we have the news that Pope Benedict XVI, leader of 1.3 billion believers worldwide, the first modern pope to resign. His struggle with the clergy sexual abuse scandal and ill health seemed to lead to his unexpected resignation. "An influencer", imagine that many followers!

What would my legacy be?

Well I certainly don't have too many followers and don't have a reason for being followed. Nor do I feel the need to tell followers what I am doing each day. Most days I'm working on a bride's dress and that is her secret that she is paying me to make for her, not for me to use to boost about.

However what might my legacy be? I'm not wanting to die anytime soon but with life comes the reality of death. It will happen to all of us. But that doesn't make dealing with or understanding it any easier. 

With me working for brides since I left my textiles and fashion studies I have just aspired to work out how to use what I have been taught to make customers, mainly brides, happy. I haven't had time to have had children, I have been fortunate that I have two step boys, so what is my legacy? Most of my brides go on to have children that I can follow online and see what they achieve. However I think about the unfortunate women who can't have children and how must they feel seeing posts online of how fortunate others are.

This year I can say I managed to achieve 37 years in business, but only 33 Google reviews(one of which the reviewer didn't bother visiting us but she felt it fair to give us a 1 star review), I think someone would say "Could have done Better" at my end of year(s) report. Maybe one day as customers look at old photos of their wedding ensembles there might be a story about the girl that made the wedding dress and someone can remember her because she came out a dress us, but they can't remember her name. Often people know my shop window rather than my name.

This year I was delighted that some former brides honoured me by bringing their daughters to have their wedding dresses made. I think this might be me ultimate compliment. I remember two of my brides once said that if they won the lottery they would get me to make all their clothes, but so far neither former brides have appeared if they have won the national lottery. Maybe the best I have managed is to connect with people from all walks of life. Little did I know when I started out all the years ago that sewing was not necessarily my best skill but that I needed to read and understand my client. There was little point in making someone something if it was not exactly what they wanted whether they knew it or not at the start of the process.

What would my legacy be?

Will any of what I have created over the years last the test of time. Yes I make wedding dresses and special occasion outfits but it is more likely my veils or maybe my christening robes will still be brought out for those special occasions. I have done a few different things, mainly embroidery pictures, one was for the secretary of state in memory of someone who had died. The embroidery piece had the irish shamrock which is in so many of my designs. Believe it or not I also did a pupit fall for Methody College but I haven't a notion if it is still there or they may have replaced it. The notable thing about that commission was the committee didn't choose my favourite so I secretly hide my preferred design inside the one that they selected. Peace of mind.

"Beverley Summers" another bridal designer who I was fortunate to meet and be inspired by. However Beverley no longer seems to make bridal dresses, I have to admit I have not hear from her in years sadly. I mentioned Ian Stuart in my last post, a bridal icon who designed vibrant, much loved styles. I didn't mention the fact that he wanted me to stock his dresses in my shop, something I should maybe regret but at least I got to meet him too. Others that I can say I remember meeting are Zandra Rhodes, Andera Wilkins, Ritva Westenius, Stewart Parvin, Rosa Clara, Alan Hannah, Mark Lesley, David Fielden and unfortunately I have yet to meet David Emanuel ( maybe one day)

So let us see what 2023 has in store for us!!

Friday 30 December 2022

Reflection of 2022

 As I take time to look back over 2022, my notable memories are that this year more than any my former brides were now bringing their daughters to me to have their dresses made. As I ponder over what to expect for 2023, more corsets and bows, the news has broken that Dame Vivienne Westwood has died at 81years old. What a force for fashion, especially female fashion and for humanity! Her latest mission was to save the planet, never one to shy away from her wants and wishes. She believed in being herself and making what she liked and people approved. Sadly we should also pay homage to two other bridal legends - Ian Stuart and Gill Harvey. RIP

"She led an amazing life. Her innovation and impact over 60 years has been immense and will continue into the future"

Tuesday 29 November 2022

What is the best advice to give to the newly engaged?

I'm delighted to have been selected as one of the leading bridal retailers in the UK and Northern Ireland to pass on what I feel is really helpful to any newly engaged couple and that is a wedding magazine none other than Confetti Magazine by the Ocean Media Group. Like Joanne Ferguson Bridal the group has been serving the weddings and bridal market for over 30 years.


 Have a bespoke bridal dress designed and made to suit you for one of the most important days of your life. For over 30 years Joanne has helped brides choose what to wear on their wedding day. Whither its a big romantic dress or a classic cut and embellished gown work as a team to create the one for you. With embroidery being Joanne's specialist subject during her studies of textiles and fashion many years ago, together you can come up with an original idea for your truly unique bridal dress. Choose the colour of your gown, the type of fabric ( should you wish to be eco friendly / use natural be different) and the style that suits you. Have your initials embroidered on to the dress, make sure the fit is perfect, what more could you ask for? Make an appointment to have your bridal consultation with us. 

Wednesday 10 August 2022

White Summer Wedding in 2022

You don't need to go far to get what you want for your wedding. Summer sunshine, great venues and the "One Stop Shop" for all you need for your wedding ensemble. Even better if you have been personally recommended by someone you know and trust to "Go for it" One of my favourite Northern Ireland quotes is "Dare to Dream".

So when a bride that you have made for 32 years ago brings her daughter to you its such a privilege. Colour was sure to be mentioned as my now Mother of the Bride had gone for "pink on her wedding Day.

Every detail would be considered and the flowers would be our inspiration for the theme.

"The Bride to be" knew that White was to be her choice of colour but the bridesmaids colour was in debate until a picture of some flowers settled the decision.

Thank you for getting me to do the whole ensemble and letting me be part of not only Your Wedding but Your daughters Wedding

Sunday 24 April 2022

Sunshine brings a smile for all my cool brides

 Nothing nicer than when our plans are taking shape and things are looking brighter.

I have been managing to raise funds for the poor women and children who have lost their homes with the  Russian invasion of Ukraine. It seems there is a lot of genuine people who care and want to do their best to help in any way they can. 

One of my brides has been collecting for the cause and as long as we all work together to find out in what way we can best help then there is Hope.

Some fun with a plant in bloom, hope it makes you smile 

"I love people that have no idea how wonderful they are and just wander around making the world a better place 

I hope to inspire you with an item that you can have if you donate to an agreed charity.

Have a look at all the different things on offer online. 

Thank you Joanne

Sunday 17 April 2022

Easter'22 What's happening today?

1. The latest news.

I thought I'd learned my lesson about how bad doomscrolling was for my mental well-being back at the beginning of the pandemic. Then Russia invaded Ukraine. Suddenly once again I am watching endless news and spending too much time on Twitter. This bad habit is doing my brain fog no favours. Thankfully my work on my brides dresses for a deadline keeps me focused. But how about you?

"Whether we're trying and failing to make plans, keeping up with the ever-changing recommendations around COVID, or doomscrolling about climate change or the war in Ukraine, it's hard to avoid anxiety or catastrophising about the future. That's going to impact our brains." explains Greater Good. "Repeated exposure to crises wreaks havoc with our well-being and can lead to bad decision making." 

The article suggests common sense steps like limiting your news or social media consumption to set periods and taking short "digital detox" breaks. I personally found this blogger's story of trying to put the internet (metaphorically) "back in a box in the basement" inspirational. I keep telling myself I need to establishing a sane relationship with the news (this is obviously a perpetual struggle for us all). 

2. Get moving (preferably in nature). 

Experts suggest that one of the biggest root causes of many of our pandemic-related memory problems is simple sloth. Many of us moved less over the last few years and that impacted our brains negatively. 

The happy news is that reversing this trend, we are getting back to more celebrations of life and are simply moving more again.  Particularly outdoors in nature, Greater Good suggests as "research confirms that being out in more natural settings is helpful for our well-being and has positive effects on our cognition above and beyond those coming from exercise alone."

3. Stay connected to others. 

Another big cause of our collective decline in cognitive sharpness is isolation. Research shows that being cut off from other humans harms our memory, concentration, decision-making, and learning. And that being around others improves them. 

"A recent review of many studies (pre-pandemic) confirms that socialising is important for keeping yourself cognitively fit. It also found that loneliness increases people's vulnerability to cognitive decline, especially among the elderly. So, it's a good idea to try to find ways to be with others--safely, of course--to keep your brain functioning well," insists Greater Good. 

Learn to sew is my recommendation.

4. Try new challenges. 

When it comes to breaking out of mental funks, action often precedes feeling. You don't do something because you feel better, you feel better because you do something. Which is true of cognitive sharpness too. Push yourself to learn something new, even when remembering where you put the remote seems like mission impossible, and you might just find your brain rises to the occasion. 

"Whether there's a pandemic on or not, using your brain in new, challenging ways is good for neural health, and will help your brain stay healthy,| Greater Good reminds readers. "Noticing opportunities to incorporate new things into your everyday routines--even taking a new route on your walk or trying out a new recipe--could give your brain a fun workout without adding more to your to-do list." 

5. Be kind to yourself. 

If you're suffering from brain fog at the moment, you are far from alone. So don't beat yourself up about it. Not only is that irrational, it's also unkind... to yourself. "We are living through extraordinary times, and so we need to practice a little self-compassion," Greater Good reminds us all.

Be thankful for what we have got and think of ways to help others as it is usual that in giving we receive.

Believe in yourself, together we can achieve great things.

Have a Happy Easter' 22

let's Hope for Peace and Prosperity

in our Future together on this Planet.

Tuesday 4 January 2022

What do you want for your Wedding Day?

 I wonder do you have a clear idea of what you want your Wedding Day to be. Where is the best place to start? What needs to be decided on first? 

We are all different and will have different ideas and ways of working out what is right for us. Some of us make lists, write our thoughts down, some of us like seeing pictures and ideas and collecting them to help visualise the look. Whatever your way of working the first question probably is what type of a wedding do you and your partner want to have? How much are you thinking of spending on your wedding? Where do you want to have your wedding? Then you will know more about what would suit you to choose for your special day. 

“A person’s wedding day is one of the most important days of their life. The Northern Ireland wedding industry does a fantastic job catering to a couple’s dream day and ensuring every detail and aspect of their wedding is provided for.”

Firstly I hope to inspire you to have your wedding in Northern Ireland. It can be as small or as large as you like but I personally think you have a personal experience, friends and family can easily join you for a part or the whole of the day and of course we all need you to support our local services more than ever. “Service & the Personal Touch is the key to my business” and why word of mouth and friends and family of former brides continue to kindly support me. 

Do you need help and advice with your ideas and notions? Have you always had an idea of what you want? Can you put into words what you want or do you need to see it before you know it’s perfect for you? Listening to couples is essential before we can help you. Experience can help us guide and direct you with what might be best for you.

It’s an exciting time for everyone and you need to enjoy the journey and not feel rushed or pushed into making your decision. Sometimes knowing that you can adapt and grow your ideas as they take shape is the best way to make sure you get it right for you. Work out the things you know you want and then the things you aren’t so sure of can be decided later.

The internet shows you lots of ideas and notions, take notes and collect pictures of the things that you think are your favourites, then you can show them to the people who you want to help you create your day. This applies to everything form colours to themes, style and content. I find my brides easily get their ideas across to me with photos then we need to work out if they  like to look on them. With years of experience and lots of samples and ways of helping brides visualise what we think is an idea. It’s a journey and it’s exciting, each bride might take me on a completely different way of working out what is best. The ultimate is when my brides use my favourite work, perfect. As long as each bride thinks their dress is the best dress I have ever made then I know I did my job correctly.